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Friday, November 5, 2010

5 reasons why AxAy is super awesome!!!

  1. AxAy is born awesome making him super awesome.
  2. Axay can define awesome better than awesome can define itself.
  3. AxAy is fast as hell. He clocks at 160kmph on his rtr 160 and 185kmph on his hyundai i20. He takes 700 steps in a minute (As per the pedometer on his ipod nano).
  4. AxAy can solve a rubik's cube in less than 2 minutes.
  5. AxAy has written a book "The book of world class" which was banned for its hyper awesomeness. Below are some of the comments on his writings from well known celebs:

    "This is the finest piece of literature ever written. Now will you give me my phone back, AxAy?"
    --Theodore M.

    "This is by far the most disgusting, disparaging, stomach churning thing I've ever read, which means a lot if you've ever seen one of my husband's grocery lists."
    --Deepika Padukone.

    "You'll howl... with delight!"
    --Stephen King

    "AxAy uses language like a scalpel, digging though our deepest emotional tissue to expose the very core of the human psyche."
    --Mike Tyson

    "Finally! A book worth reading!"

    "AxAy beat me to it."
    --J.D. Salinger

    "Jefferson's out, AxAy's in!"
    --Rachel M. (President - Mount Rushmore National Preservation Society)

    "An entertaining beach read."
    --Pope Benedict XVI

    --Paris Hilton.

    "Out of this world!"
    --Alien (creature from another planet)

    "I'm sorry what?"
    --Maya Angelou

    "I have a hundred words for 'snowflake' but only one word for 'The Book Of World Class,' - awesome!"
    --Some Eskimo maybe

    "This book makes me want to rethink my career."
    --Mark (the dude who wrote the Gospel)

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